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4:14 p.m. - Sunday, Jan. 22, 2006
Suggestions Anyone
Aright, here's the deal...I want to come back to DL, but with a new name. The problem is coming up with the name. What's the big deal,right? I don't know. I'm so used to Pebbies...and I guess I like it, but I want an open diary now. It's really a shame because I only locked because of Shawn. She's probably given up on her quest for DL, but I don't wanna risk it. Then again, I shouldn't hide from my feelings. I dunno. I'm just afraid that she'll read my diary and hate me. Although, we have discussed a lot of issues I had with her in here...but still- I don't wanna do it. So, not too many check my diary anymore-who can blame ya? So, if anyone reads this and really knows me...suggest a new name for me. I have a lot of stuff to say and I won't type about it until then.

Peace out homies.


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